Thursday, April 9, 2009

More Patterns

Visit this website for a few more designs that will work on your Shirley Stitcher.  These are for the Shirley Stitcher which connects to your computer.


  1. Hey Mike! I downloaded most of your patterns yesterday and used them in a sampler quilt today. They look great! I only had problems with another _huh_2.gdf - it kept repeating itself over and over again until I shut off the machine... Any ideas why this would happen?

    Also,I've uploaded some of my own patterns to my account. Do you know how I get them under the Shirley Stitcher blog? Thanks! Michele Markey

  2. Ok I will have to look into the problem with the another huh pattern.

    for now lets email your patterns you want to share and I will post them on the esnips site and list you as the person who is sharing the pattern.

    Just send me the gpf file. Check your file and ensure it is the gpf and not the bmp file.

    my email is

  3. Hi
    will these designs work with the Shirley Stitcher II also. I have one on order and looking forward to getting it and having fun with it.


  4. No these will not work on the Shirley Stitcher II but I can export them so that they will. That is a good idea.
